10 Best Hikes in Norway – from Non-Norwegian experience 😊

There is a saying here that Norwegians born with ski on their feet. I would adjust this saying like ‘Norwegians born with ski and hiking shoes on their feet’. Life in Norway is mainly consisting skiing, hiking and anything with nature. I always loved long walks but after moving in Norway, I discovered the hiker inside me. Maybe it is because every hike in Norway takes you to a stunning beautiful nature with breathtaking view. That is why I decided to share my favorite 10 hikes which make me fall in love with Norway.  

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Why Norway? 10 reasons to live in Norway

Most of the time the answer for why Norway? question is simple ‘love’ or ‘work’. I am receiving a lot of questions about why I moved to Norway so I thought it is time to write about this topic in my blog. However before I tell my story I would like to write about why to move in Norway with 10 reasons

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Vucudumuz bize ne anlatiyor? Farkindaligimizi artiralim

Hani esimize, sevgilimize, arkadasimiza bir seyler anlatiriz, hareketlerimizle, davranizlarimizla kendimizi ifade etmeye calisiriz da bizi dinlemediklerini, anlamadiklarini gorunce uzulur, kendimizi ceker, hatta kuser tepki veririz ya kendimizi dinlemek ya da dinlememek de bunun gibi bir sey. Keske her organizimizin, hucremizin agzi dili olsaydi neyi olduklarini bize deselerdi de ona gore doktora gitmeye karar verseydik.

Peki dili yok olunca bahanemiz mi var? nasil ki arkadasimiza kustugumuzde davranislarimizla belli ediyoruz, vucutta anormal davranarak konusmaya calisiyor bizimle. bizse ya yogunlugumuzdan farketmiyoruz bile ya da  kulak asmiyoruz, onemsemiyoruz. Peki sonra ne mi oluyor? En iyi dostumuzu ihmal ediyor ve ne kadar sansli oldugumuza gore hayatin duzunde ya da tersinde kendimizi buluyoruz.

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Hayat – ya da onun gibi bir sey…

Bir yil once bu blogu acarken hayattaki en buyuk tutkumu yeni yerleri yeni tatlari, yeni renkleri ve farkli kulturleri kesfederken anilarimi yazacaktim. bu yuzden ismini a bite of memories verdim. minik minik guzel kesif anilarim olacakti burada…

Ne kadar aklimizin ucundan gecmesede, her turlu onlemi aldigimizi dusunsekte(gercekten onlem alinabiliyor mu acaba?) hayat bizimle ilgili planini hic beklemedik bir anda onune cikariyor.

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Walking on the Golden Bridge Lifted by God’s Giant Hands Into Clouds

You know, you plan your whole trip in detail, everything is ready, and at the last moment you see a photo: two giant hands coming out of the earth holds a golden bridge and raise it among the clouds… Should you change your plan and see this bridge or leave it to next time? I was so fascinated by this golden bridge that couldn’t leave it for another time.

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Bridge Swing: An adrenaline pumping experience

Would you dare to jump off bridge?

If you’re thinking of doing something extreme, you’ve definitely come to the right place! Adrenalin, nature, height, bridge, river…  Yes lots of adrenaline 🙂

Bridge Swing! You are throwing yourself off of the bridge towards the water below with only a rope tied to you back. Does it sound crazy?

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